Friday, November 9, 2012

Nov 5, A Funny Little Story

OK so here's a little tale out of school. I consider Linda and myself to be rather seasoned travelers and pay attention to details and follow directions. Well three locations we have to only take our small handbag, you know a "wheelie bag" overhead size, which by the way they provided to us as part of the trip. Well the second stop of the trip was a wheelie destination, and it was for two nights. We failed to recognize this, totally. We arrive at the airport and head to Peru where we had to take a commercial 737, because our 757 couldn't land at Cusco. Well Jill, one of the staff says remember this is a wheelie destination so you will not be receiving your large suitcase tonight. Linda and I look at each other in horror, she's in sandals thinking hiking in the Andes??? Our luggage is in the hold of the charter. Linda went up to Jill and explained what happened, she wasn't all cheering and oh no problem but very professional and said we can have someone from Thompson staff pull them off the plane and clear customs and they will be in your room when you return from this afternoon's tour, sure enough they managed it. Consequently we are paying much more attention to the daily bulletins then we did. Need to add one more point about the commercial flight, it might have been commercial but it was chartered for us so we were the only passengers on the plane.  

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